Carolyn-this quilt block has been on my "want to try" list for quite some time now. Thanks for the opportunity to do it - I truly loved it. I also love the fabrics you's great how they all end up going together even though they don't look like they would. I cannot wait to see your blocks come together (side note/thought: anyone complete their projects from last year's bee blocks? Would love to see pictures!). I went to the post office today, but didn't send your block - the line was a mile long and only one clerk working and because it's going to Canada I can't use the auto ship thing to send it..will try again hoping for a smaller line!
Christina-this was my first time doing a disappearing 9-patch as well. It was so quick and fun to figure out how I wanted to rearrange it! I also look forward to seeing your blocks come together, it will be fun to see how everyone chose to lay them out! Your block should be arriving by the weekend!